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Eurasian Watermilfoil

Sorry, we had planned to have a real meeting to discuss this issue, but as you know... COVID-19. Please contact us if you have questions or just want to talk to a real person! 801-243-8980

Eurasian Watermilfoil at Bear Lake Utah/Idaho
2020 Treatment

One of the major changes we have been seeing all around Bear Lake in the last several years is the explosive growth of submerged aquatic plants. Some of these are of particular interest to the states and are considered
"invasive" and "noxious".
Idaho, with all the northern lake communities, has been active in developing programs for the treatments and is actively sharing information and coordination with Utah, where this is a new program.
Both states have developed maps from their surveys of the nearshore areas to be the basis of their initial treatments.
Thanks to all involved!
For us locally, we can help by being
cooperative and
Our observations can help document the effectiveness of these treatments at Bear Lake. This will be somewhat unique circumstances as the lake levels will be declining through the treatment response time.
Treatments are scheduled to begin soon for:
Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM)
There will be both:
  1. Mechanical - Manual removal where plants are less dense.
  2. Chemical Treatment - in the more dense colonies.
  3. Shoreline Properties will receive notices prior to chemical treatments.

View Maps of planned treatment areas.(download .pdf)

LEARN MORE: View information from the combined state presentations regarding discovery and treatment of this invasive weed in the waters of Bear Lake.

(download .pdf)

or view Power Point (with automation below)